VI Edition.
Academic year 2025-26


Following the institutional agreement celebrated in July 2019, between ISEC Lisbon, its TGRAF Research center and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, which runs the FA-UL project doctorate program with its CIAUD Research Group. As a result of this agreement, the Research Advice program was created, to which the ELISAVA Faculty of Design and Engineering of Barcelona was added.

RESEARCH ADVICE is defined as a personalized support program for doctoral students, in the development of their Doctorate in Design. This program is coordinated by the Research Center TGRAF ISEC Lisbon with FA-ULisboa and ELISAVA. The program is developed in parallel to the development of the doctorate program in design at FA-ULisboa, as an active complement for the doctoral candidate to safely advance their research project. ISEC Lisboa will be responsible for the processing and management of all academic documentation, in direct connection with the FA-ULisboa Postgraduate Academic Services. The TGRAF Center will be responsible for managing academic ties and monitoring the progress of the doctoral student and his thesis project.

Access conditions
Limited number of places.
Admission is based on an assessment of academic records.

How to apply:
– DNI (pdf file)
– Academic/professional CV
– Application letter.
– Certificate of completed studies (regulated and professional)
– Portfolio (selection of the main works completed)

Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Submit your application
From April 1st to May 30th, 2025
The application will be evaluated by the FAUL Scientific Committee to express its decision to start the registration process.

Start date
September 2025


(*) Informative note:
The Doctorate provides a degree of level 4 MECES (ES) qualification, which is equivalent to level 8 EQF (EHEA).
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) groups university degrees into three cycles. These degrees follow the ECTS credit system (European Credit Transfer System) that guarantees the convergence of the different European higher education systems. The incorporation of Spain into the EHEA led to the establishment of the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (MECES) with the aim of classifying, relating and comparing the different higher education qualifications in the European context. The MECES is structured into four levels. The MECES also has its equivalent in the European Qualification Framework (EQF), the common reference framework that links the qualification systems of the different European countries and serves as a conversion mechanism.

(*) Nota informativa:
El Doctorado aporta una titulación de nivel 4 del MECES (ES) que equivale al nivel 8 EQF (EEES).
El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) agrupa las titulaciones universitarias en tres ciclos. Estas titulaciones siguen el sistema de créditos ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) que garantizan la convergencia de los distintos sistemas europeos de educación superior.  La incorporación de España en el EEES supuso el establecimiento del Marco Español de la Cualificación para la Educación Superior (MECES) con el objetivo de clasificar, relacionar y comparar las diferentes titulaciones de educación superior en el contexto europeo. El MECES se estructura en cuatro niveles. Asimismo, el MECES tiene su equivalencia en el European Qualification Framework (EQF), el marco común de referencia que relaciona los sistemas de cualificaciones de los diferentes países europeos y sirve de mecanismo de conversión.